+977-1-4112976, 4112977 mettaint@gmail.com, Govt. License No.: 530/061/062


Company Name Metta International Pvt. Ltd.
Registration Authority Ministry of Industry & Commerce Office of the Company Registrar
Company Registration No: 29058/060/061

Ministry of Labour and Employment Department of Foreign Employment
Govt. License No: 530/061/062

Ministry of Finance Department of Internal Revenue
Pan No: 301609139
Nepal ID NO: 264
Contact Person Mr. Bhuwan Mudbhari
Cell: +9779865749532/9803557810/ 9851226468

Mr. Kulraj Mudbhari
Chief Executive Officer
Cell: +9779843554435/9803557810

Mr. Prakash Bohora
Marketing Director
Cell: +977 985122646
Capital Structure Authorized - 20 Million Nepalese Rupees (USD 175,000)
Issued - 10 Million Nepalese Rupees (USD 87,500)
Legal Advisor Kumar Niraula
Official Bank Prime commercial bank / Nepal Rastrya Bank Ltd.
Operated By Business Finance and Administrative Management Experts / Advisors Professional from Nation Lead Organizations of Nepal.
Working Experiences Comprehensive background in Implementing and accomplishing Company’s mission by working at extensive level in senior management capacity for years in the national and international organizations & overseas employment business fields.
Address P.O.Box: 9118, Sinamangal-9 , Airport, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: +977-1-4112976, 4112977, Fax +977-1-4112978
E-mail: mettaint5gmail.com, info@mettaintl.com.np
Website: www.mettaintl.com.np